MassiveEVs Workshop – more results on large scale EV production
On 28 – 29 October 2021, two of our partners participated in the “massivEVs” workshop held in Italy, a few steps from the beautiful Lake Garda. The workshop was organized by the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles with the goal to address and channel the efforts towards large-scale Extracellular Vesicles production and manufacturing. Elena Provasi from Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino presented a poster entitled “Exosomes for cardiovascular therapeutic applications: GMP-grade large scale manufacturing method, product characterization and stability”. Natasa Zarovni from HansaBioMed Life Sciences presented a presentation about the novel prospects for delivering an end-to-end roadmap for bioactive EVs in therapy and custom care within the section dedicated to validation, standardization, and regulatory issues in EVs large-scale production. Additionally, she acted as an invited expert during the plenary round table sessions held on this topic. During the workshop, invited talks, short talks selected from abstracts, posters and roundtable discussions have dealt with all aspects of the production of exosomes derived from different biological sources, starting from R&D and up to clinical translation. This event featured a dialogue between more than 50 participants (academic research scientists, clinicians, and industrial partners) committed to sharing and empowering large-scale EV production and manufacturing efforts.
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